Prices and Packages


Please note that currently I am not accepting new clients.

$85 a session
$235 for a 3 sessions Colon Rehab Package

Colon rehab Packages are paid for and booked in advance and are non transferable.
It is recommended to use these within 10 days and must be used within 90 days.
You may decide after your first session if you would like to purchase the package or single session.

Payment Methods

I accept cash, checks, Venmo and cards.

How Many Colon Hydrotherapy Sessions Do I Need?

Generally, three colonics in one week are recommended to start. The International Association of Colon Therapy ( suggests two sessions during weeks one and two, subsequently one session per week during weeks three through ten. Many of my clients do 2 or 3 colonics a week for the full 10 to 12 sessions.
Most find that after a colonic series experience, they feel much better. It is this renewed vitality that is your guide.

People who are already in good health usually like to have colonics with the change of the seasons to aid in maintaining health.

People with longstanding, chronic constipation have severely weakened colons due to being constantly bathed in toxic waste and being stretched from holding excessive amount of stools. A series of 12 colon hydrotherapy sessions in combination with supplements can begin the revitalizing process.