Flax Crackers

3 C Flax seeds in enough clean water to cover the seeds plus a little more.
Soak until the seeds have jelled, a couple of hours to overnight.
When the flax has jelled you will now blend the seasonings.
Blend the following up in a blender.
(Don’t put the flax in the blender!)

1 juice of orange
1 red onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic
Handful of fresh Basil
3 tsp chili powder
3 tsp Tamari or liquid aminos or soy sauce

Add 3 small tomatoes and blend coarsely to keep tomatoes chunky.

Stir in soaked flax seeds.

Spread batter thickly on solid dehydrator sheets.
Dehydrate at 105* for 4-6 hours. Peel cracker to dehydrate on other side for another 4-8 hours until crisp.

Play with the seasonings for the crackers. Mix and match seasoning by adding apple cider vinegar, peppers, roasted garlic and rosemary, sage etc. Fennel, sesame or sunflower seeds are good. Think of the crackers you like and season accordingly. Remember that the flavors intensify.

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